Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Monday, 24 September 2012

My birthday and making smoothie

I turned twenty two on saturday, I still find it very hard to believe I am in my twenties, and I can tell that I am going to just move through them quickly and quietly, I won't even notice as they slip by. It only seems like yesterday I turned eighteen, before I know it I will be twenty nine and to be honest I am not too freaked out about getting older, I'm not sure if it's because I have seen how openly and happily my mum has excepted age with open arms or the fact that my role model is the old tortoise from kung fu panda, even so I am excited that one day I will be eighty, not that I am wishing my life away, I love life in every form of the word. I was so excited about my birthday, I had the classic kid syndrome of being up very early, jumping around waking everyone up, I share a birthday with my younger sister who has just turned eighteen, so we opened our cards together (you know you're getting older when you have more cards than presents) then my handsome fiance came over with a massive bunch of flowers, a gardening book, a new look voucher, some chocolates and lots of food ready for our picnic in avebury, and then we made the most beautiful smoothie I have ever tasted, we used the raspberries and sweet apples that we picked the other week (not sure how many we had to be honest), we add, two bananas, two oranges, four table spoons of honey and a little bit of water, and there you have it, I have never tasted a nicer smoothie, we bought it to the picnic and our friends agreed, it was a good smoothie.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mushrooms and smoothie

I have put those too things together in this blogging title but they aren't actually directly related (although a mushroom smoothie may be interesting I have never actually had one) I just want to blog about them both. I have a bit of an obsession about the thought of picking wild mushrooms as my fiancee would tell you, as soon as I see one I get so excited, there is a yellow one on the tree out side my house. The problem is I have no idea which ones are edible or poisnous and although I have been longing to chomp my teeth into one I have had to resist because the little resreach I have done hasn't really helped me be overly sure which ones are absolutely fine to eat. I've looked into going on a foraging course but they're just so expensive. So if anyone has any information about mushrooms or foraging course, I'd be very grateful for input. Now the smoothie is just a side thing, we have decided to use the raspberries that we picked the other day along with some very lovely sweet apples we found to make a smoothie, which I am very excited about, we have decided to make it on my birthday which is this saturday, which will be then followed by a picnic. I am going to be 22, which feels weird, I always imagined I'd stay at 18 but here I am moving quickly through my 20's. I have great hopes for this smoothie and will share the recipe when we have found/made one.